On Thursday, Priyanka Chopra Jonas flew from London to New York to celebrate her husband Nick Jonas’ 29th birthday. Her photographs as she departed John F Kennedy International Airport were published on Instagram by a fan club.
Priyanka Chopra can be spotted on the carousel wearing a Christian Dior sweater with leopard pattern and black tights. She was also wearing a black jacket that was wrapped around her waist.
The 39-year-old actress looked flawless with her long tresses left open.
She was also dressed in black boots, a matching hat, and a mask. Priyanka also had a backpack and a trolley bag on her person.
Nick Jonas, along with his brothers and other members of the Jonas Brothers, is currently on tour throughout the United States as part of the band’s Remember This Tour.
The Jonas Brothers just played in Detroit, according to an Instagram post from the group on Thursday. The Jonas Brothers’ eleventh headline tour, Remember This, is set to run until October 27 with a final concert at the Hollywood Bowl.
Priyanka Chopra, on the other hand, has been a resident of London for some time.
Priyanka had tweeted photos of herself playing golf with Nick and others earlier this month. Kevin Jonas was also in the photos, as were Nick’s buddies John Lloyd Taylor and Chris Hart.
She captioned the post, “Photo dump *The perfect greens at @scottsdalenational and the @jonasbrothers bringing so much joy to so many people.. so grateful for everyday @nickjonas @kevinjonas @joejonas Ps: pic 4 – when your gorgeous friend @jazmasri handpaints your jacket cause she is !! @disobediencegeneration @johnlloydtaylor that hole in one!! What??!
According to the Daily Mail, this is the first time Priyanka has been seen since getting flak for her participation in the ‘tone-deaf’ reality TV show ‘The Activist.’
Social media erupted with “commentary and ripped the premise to shreds for being performative in light of real activism throughout the country” shortly after the Baywatch actress was revealed as a host of the event with Julianne Hough and Usher.
Meanwhile, Priyanka has been filming in London for her forthcoming Amazon Prime series Citadel. Richard Madden, who plays Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones, is also a part of it.