Kanye West, the renowned rapper and fashion designer, has once again caused a stir with his latest remarks, this time accusing LeBron James, Jay-Z, and Beyonce, among others, of being “controlled” by those in power.
He made the comments during a conversation with a paparazzo.
“They can’t control me,” West declared.
“They can control Shaq, Charles Barkley, LeBron James, Jay-Z and Beyonce, but not me. I won’t hesitate to name names.”
The rapper’s statements might be in response to the fact that Shaquille O’Neal recently criticized him on social media and LeBron James decided not to air the episode of “The Shop” featuring West.
West also spoke about Minister Louis Farrakhan, alleging that he was “slighted” by him before launching into a discussion about what he calls “Hollywood sacrifices.”
The rapper claimed that his mother, Donda West, and Michael Jordan’s father, were both victims of these sacrifices.
“In Hollywood, many people go missing, which feels like it might be a way to control and traumatize them,” he stated.
“They want to monetize and traumatize. Despite GAP, Adidas, and others trying to take me down, Forbes still had to acknowledge my net worth as $400 million.”
West went on to claim that he can say whatever he wants without fear of going to jail because he has never killed anyone.
“This truth will be heard,” he proclaimed.
“You can’t send people like Meek Mills, Puffies, Lil Boosies to stop me because they have legal issues. I have never killed anyone and that means I can say whatever I want and not go to jail.”
The rapper recently announced that he would be observing a 30-day verbal fast, but it appears that he has not been able to stick to it.
With every word he utters, he continues to create controversy and trend on social media.