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Prince Harry accused of ‘lying’ in podcast interview


Prince Harry accused of ‘lying’ in podcast interview


The Duke of Sussex took aim at Prince Charles’ parenting in a recent podcast.

During the interview, Harry likened his life to a “goldfish bowl” and a “zoo” as well as the 1990s film The Truman Show.

Prince Harry was slammed by a royal expert today for being “the victim again” after stating that he was born into exceptional privilege, yet he feels this has changed following his split from Meghan Markle last year.

The royal biographer called him “ruthlessly cruel” and accusing him of “lying” about Meghan Markle’s advice to go to therapy.

The Duke of Sussex was accused of “throwing the royal family under the bus” once more.

“He’s being incredibly rude again,” Angela Levin told Kate Garraway and Ben Shephard on Good Morning Britain.


She accused him of being “disloyal” and she said that he was lying about Meghan being the driving force behind his decision to seek therapy.

Angela said she had “interviewed him in length in 2017” and had asked him if Meghan was behind his decision to seek therapy.

She said, “He said, ‘No, it was William, he was the one who saved me.” “Either he told me something that was not true or he’s saying something not true now.”

“I think it’s terrible, it’s absolutely disgusting, to be honest,” Angela fumed about his interview. “I have to say that I don’t think it’s very good that you don’t let your.”

‘Harry’s the victim again on Dax Shepard’s podcast,’ the author of Harry: Conversations with the Prince in 2018, tweeted.

‘Reveals he and Meg pretended not to know each other in a supermarket and that although he was born into privilege now believes “you may start in one place but you can change in time”. So his 16-bathroom home isn’t privilege.’

Ms Levin was referring to the couple’s £11 million home in Montecito, California, where they have lived since last summer after stepping down as senior royals at the beginning of the year.

Lady Colin Campbell has said that Prince Harry is “lying to himself” and “loves” fame and wealth.

Lady C has spoken out in response to Harry’s latest podcast interview.

Lady C said in a recent YouTube video that she believes Harry is ‘lying’ to himself and the public after the Duke said that he has more freedom in America than in the UK.

“I can tell you Harry is lying to himself, if not to you, when he says the paparazzi are troubling him blah, blah, blah,” Lady C said.

“And then he goes in the podcast to very pretentiously make out that fame is a terrible burden, being a public figure is an awful thing, that paparazzi are basically a nuisance.

“Harry goes on in this podcast about the fact that you should be entitled to privacy when you’re not on the job.

“The man’s deluded, he’s an idiot.

“Harry, fame and fortune – which you are desperate to increase – are blessings. You love them.

“Without the public, you wouldn’t have fame and fortune. You want to bat them away like they’re flies.”

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  1. Anne Tarling

    May 21, 2021 at 9:05 pm

    What Angela Levin and Lady C have said are totally true. Harry said years ago that William was the one that saved him but now everything is “Meghan said this, Meghan said that” and he’s conveniently forgotten what his family did for him for years before he met Meghan.

    • Nancy

      May 23, 2021 at 4:55 am

      Megan is known to rewrite history when it serves her. For example, during the engagement interview with Harry, Megan claimed that she did not give-up her career/life to be with Harry, further stating: it is simply a “New Chapter”. (Please listen to the engagement interview)
      Thereafter, while being interviewed by Opray, Megan was heard stating: I gave-up my life to be with Harry. Megan is not honest and clearly changes her postion when it serves her.

      Follow the money……..Megan wanted to return to California because she is now a titled owner of their mulitmillion dollar Montecito Mansion; thus, increasing her net worth. Residing in England/Frogmore Cottage did not provide her with that financial benefit because Frogmore Cottage is owned by the Royal Family. No earned financial equity earned by Megan as a England resident. Megan decides to play the victim and influence Harry to turn against his family and move to California.

      Megan is clearly willing to sell out the Royal Family and influence Harry to do so because of her highly motivated desire to do what ever it takes to increase her net worth. Think about it……….No one heard Harry turn against his family before his acquantance with Megan. Ruthless and self serving, Megan cares nothing about causing the Queen suffering, has no repect for her years long effort to preserve the British Monarch, and thinks nothing about influencing Harry in such a way as to destroy his relationship with his family, and adversely affect the manner in which the British public view Harry. As with any perpetrator of abuse, Megan is highly motivated to separate victim/ Harry from his family/support system and those that geniuenly love him. The Royal Family has always posed a threat to Megan’s dreadful game plan, that being….increasing her financial net worth, while entraping Harry byway of children and moving their relationship at a lightening fast pace; thus, securing her financial future. William and Kate encouraged Harry to take his relationship with Megan slowly, however, that advise could possibly spoil Megan’s game plan. Secure her financial future.

      Say a prayer for Harry……he has been love bombed and manipulated by Megan all in the name of MONEY. As California real estate increases in value and their Montecito Mansion enjoys increased equity value, so does Megan’s net worth.

      It will take Harry many years of therapy to finally realize how he has been manipulated by Megan and her accomplise Social Worker/ Mother Dora who is trained in human behavior patterns and mental health issues. Together, they have exploited Harry’s weakness’s (Diana’s death), and devotion to family, that currently serves Megan…… as Harry now views Megan as his family, and mother to their children.

      Megan Markle you should hang your head in shame!!! Stop and think about how family oriented Harry will feel when he looks back at his disloyal family conduct against his father, grandmother and grandfather. You are not motivated out of love for Harry, you are clearly motivated to do what ever it takes to increase your net worth even if you takes influencing Harry to turn against his own family and the British Manarch that which provides financial support to Harry’s family of origin and has served you well with many benefits.

      Megan Markle you are a self serving evil women with no thought of Harry who you continue to play like your puppet!

      Let’s all say a pray for Harry!!

  2. Doris

    May 25, 2021 at 4:36 pm

    Why don’t they be quite and do what they say they want to do , just be an ordinary family, father mother son and future baby. Mr & Mrs Harry Windsor and family ( not sure which surname is the legal one). There story is no more interesting or important than any other family with problems mental or otherwise. You deal with them and move on with your family life and love each other.

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