Prince Harry Accuses Royal Family of ‘total silence and neglect’ during ‘nightmare’ royal life

Prince Harry discussed a “nightmare” time in his life from his late twenties in the first episode of his latest mental health documentary show.
Prince Harry said the royal family responded to “every single ask, request, warning” for help with harassment he and wife Meghan faced in the press and on social media with “silence or total neglect” in an interview with Oprah Winfrey earlier this year, building on revelations from a bombshell interview with Winfrey earlier this year in which Meghan said she suffered from suicidal ideation.
Years after his mother, Princess Diana, died, Prince Harry admitted to turning to alcohol and drugs.
In the new interview, he claims that within days of their relationship being public, he and Meghan were “followed, photographed, chased and harassed”
He said, however, that they had little support because they had been criticized on social media and in some newspapers.
“We spent four years trying to make it work. We did everything that we possibly could to stay there and carry on doing the role and doing the job.”
The series, which features Harry delving into his royal background and troublesome years within the Firm, is now available to watch on Apple TV.
He admitted that he only recently began counseling sessions, despite the fact that he knew he needed them for a long time.
The revelations were made on his recently launched mental health documentary series with Oprah Winfrey, dubbed “The Me You Can’t See,” as confirmed by various sources.
The two dig into Harry’s personal life, from his post-death mother’s depression to his counseling experiences and new royal feuds.
The documentary series was published just hours after an impartial investigation determined that journalist Martin Bashir used “deceitful behaviour” to win a historic interview with Princess Diana in 1995.
The Duke of Cambridge said the BBC Panorama broadcast added greatly to his mother’s “fear, paranoia and isolation” after the findings were made public.
In the meantime, the Duke of Sussex issued a statement in which he said that “the ripple effect of a culture of exploitation and unethical practices ultimately took her life”
According to The Mirror, throughout the season, Harry discusses how Diana’s death in 1997 affected his decision to leave the spotlight of royal life.
Harry also discusses painful childhood experiences such as the death of his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, and threats directed at him and his wife Meghan Markle on social media.
The Prince, who is sixth in line to the throne, said his family didn’t talk about his mother’s death when he was 12 years old, and that he and his brother were forced to cope with the ensuing grief and media coverage.
He said that his father, Prince Charles, told him that because he struggled as a child, the same would happen to him and his brother William.
“That doesn’t make sense. Just because you suffered doesn’t mean that your kids have to suffer, in fact quite the opposite – if you suffered, do everything you can to make sure that whatever negative experiences you had, that you can make it right for your kids.”
“The clicking of cameras and the flashing of cameras makes my blood boil,” Harry said on the series. “It makes me angry and takes me back to what happened to my mum and my experience as a kid.”
Harry expressed the belief that speaking out would help to reduce the social stigma associated with mental illness.
It sent shockwaves from Los Angeles to Buckingham Palace the last time Harry and Winfrey spoke — alongside Meghan. After distancing themselves from royal obligations, the pair moved to the United States last year.
Harry said he went into “fight or flight mode” and was “all over the place mentally” between the ages of 28 and 32, describing the period as a “nightmare time in my life.”
“Towards my late 20s I was starting to ask questions of ‘Should I really be here?’. And that was when I suddenly started going: ‘You can’t keep hiding from this,” Harry explained to the presenter in the opening episode of the five-part series.
“Family members have said ‘Just play the game and your life will be easier.’ But I’ve got a hell of a lot of my mum in me.
He admitted, “I feel as though I’m outside of the system but I’m still stuck there,” “The only way to free yourself and break out is to tell the truth.”
Prince Harry said one of “the biggest reasons” he and his wife left the royal family was the worsening of their mental health, and that he felt ashamed he couldn’t go to his family while Meghan was suicidal. He described them as “trapped and feeling controlled through fear, both by the media and by the system itself which never encouraged the talking about this kind of trauma.”
In the March interview, the pair shocked millions of viewers with claims of royal racism, which the palace refuted, as well as Meghan’s public admission that royal life and media scrutiny had pushed her to suicidal thoughts.
For Harry, it was eerily similar to his mother’s fate.
“The clicking of cameras and the flash of cameras makes my blood boil. It makes me angry. It takes me back to what happened to my mum, what I experienced as a kid,” he tells Winfrey in the documentary.
“I was so angry with what happened to her, and the fact that there was no justice at all … The same people that chased her through that tunnel photographed her dying on the back seat of that car.”
He went into great depth on how his mother’s death affected his youth.
“It was like I was outside of my body and just walking along doing what was expected of me – showing one-tenth of the emotion that everybody else was showing,” he said of her funeral.
The duke added: “I was so angry with what happened to her, and the fact that there was no justice at all. Nothing came from that. The same people that chased her into the tunnel photographed her dying on the backseat of that car.”
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