Kate Winslet, the lead actress of James Cameron’s iconic movie ‘Titanic,’ recently revealed her regret about agreeing to shoot multiple underwater scenes for the film.
Titanic has been one of the highest-grossing films of all time, with its tragic love story and harrowing storyline touching the hearts of millions of fans around the world.
The movie’s crew and cast members faced many challenges during the shoots, with some putting their lives at risk for the perfect shot.
Kate Winslet, too, had to shoot perilous underwater scenes that she now regrets doing.
During an interview, she revealed that she was weighted down 12 feet underwater for her close-up shots in a fixed position.
After three takes, she said that she couldn’t do it anymore.
Kate Winslet also shared that she faced trouble using the air regulator and even swallowed some water while shooting underwater with her co-star Leonardo DiCaprio.
She remarked that nobody asked her if she could swim, despite the multiple distressing underwater scenes required by the movie.
The shoot lasted for 20 hours and often went on from 5 AM to 1 AM, disorienting and disturbing many cast and crew members.
Kate Winslet nearly drowned when her clothes got caught by a gate, which later led to a diagnosis of pneumonia.
The dirty water being pumped around directly from the ocean caused multiple crew and actors to be hospitalized with kidney infections.
The freezing water and sinking scenes further left many injured with fractures, ruptured organs, and pneumonia.
To add to the woes, the pre-shoot wrap-up party saw James Cameron and other cast and crew members getting hospitalized after their lobster chowder was spiked with PCP.
Reading about the experiences of the cast and crew during the making of Titanic, one can understand the dangers of the film industry.
Despite winning 11 Academy Awards with 14 nominations and giving us an epic cinematic experience, the movie came at a high cost for many involved.
Kate Winslet’s regret about putting her life at risk for the film is understandable, given the challenges she faced during the underwater scenes.
The shoot was not only physically demanding but also emotionally draining for the cast and crew.
In conclusion, Titanic remains a cinematic masterpiece that has touched the hearts of millions of fans worldwide.
However, it is crucial to remember the toll it took on the people who made it possible.
The film industry can be a dangerous profession, and we must acknowledge the risks involved in bringing our favorite movies to life.